Posted in Mum Life

Single parenting

I had not planned to get pregnant, not for many years to come, but I did. When I found out I freaked, went straight to stress mode. I didn’t know what to do, how I would tell my parents or where I would live. But once I overcame all of that and got my head around the fact that I was pregnant, I was so happy. Having a baby completely turned my world upside down but it was also one of the best things that could have ever happened to me. The joy that Te Aumihi brings me is worth every minute!


Parenting is hard, single parenting is harder. I am so lucky (and grateful) to have such a supportive family! Without them , my life would be so much harder. Being just Te Aumihi and I gets exhausting and stressful at times. The sleepless nights and full on days have led me to consume more coffee than I’d like. Some days I need to have a nap or I won’t function. Having my family there is so helpful. I can shower without worrying as I know she is with them, or if I need a break they are happy to watch her. Having them here was truly a blessing when I first had Te Aumihi!

In her first week she lost too much weight and I had to feed hourly, even through the night. I had an alarm set but still slept through; it’s hard running on no sleep. Thankfully my brother was there to wake me and make sure I feed her. 5pm to 8pm I always hit a wall and feel so exhausted. Since birth, this has always been Te Aumihis most demanding time, Dinner and bedtime routines. Having family to help me, make sure I have my dinner is so great.

I want my own place and I know that when the time is right I will get my own place but for now I just try to enjoy the help my family gives. Family help and support is so important for mums especially single mums.

Babies routine is crucial to my survival. She’s happier and sleeps better plus I get some me time every night before bed. It took me a while to realise how important routine was but now I love having routine. I’m not strict about it but she’s pretty good herself at sticking to it.

Something I’m bad at is looking after myself. My baby comes first in all that I do. I get an hour or so to myself each night (if I’m not so tired I fall asleep). But having Te Aumihi breastfeeding makes it hard for me to have me time.

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