Posted in Mum Life

9 months

It’s a little late but Te Aumihi is 9 months 1 week. I have been so busy lately, I haven’t had time to write a post. There’s been dinners, teething, swimming and reading. Everyday more and more of her personality shines through. People think I’m crazy as I talk to her like a grown up. She sees people and wants to go over and make friends.

There is a little Maori boy in our swim class and Te Aumihi always tries to swim over by him, it is super cute. His Nanny comes to watch at lessons and Te Aumihi will wave to her from the pool. I think that maybe she thinks she is there to see her, I love how friendly she is.

14908251_1339476706064180_6663806743632158598_nMy Nans brother was home from Australia for a week. He rang me up one morning and asked what size Te Aumihi is. I told him and that afternoon he called back to tell me to go pick up Te Aumihi’s goodies. There were togs, hats and clothes and they were all such cute outfits. When we got home Te Aumihi started pulling all her clothes out to show my dad what she got. She was so happy! The next night we had a potluck dinner. It was too cold for Te Aumihi to sit outside so we had to sit inside instead of with all our family which was a bit of a bummer.

We spent the day having a play date with friends on friday, it was great. We chilled at my friends house, the kids played and we walked down to the beach. Saturday was a super busy day for us. Potluck lunch at the beach and then my friends 21st birthday. The potluck was great and it was nice to see whanau. Te Aumihi loved being down by the water, chasing birds and eating. She is such a social kid. Saturday night my friend had a 1920’s themed 21st. It was super cool. Such a easy yet sophisticated theme! All the music was 1920’s as well and Te Aumihi loved getting up to boogie.


Te Aumihi is doing new things all the time. She is a pro at crawling; crawling off within a matter of seconds of getting on the ground. She walks along furniture, makes noises, gives kisses and waves goodbye. She now had 3 teeth; 2 bottom and 1 top and loves blowing raspberries. We don’t sleep through the night but that’s ok, we survive. She is so interested in everything and growing so fast. Stealing my heart more and more each day.

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